As natural as the daily sunshine, one’s shadow, formerly a constant companion, now often escapes from attention. A silhouette of our physical form, one’s shadow is no more than a flat, disembodied reduction of the contours of one’s self.
The installation skia examines the interplay of our shadows and our conscious awareness of our physical displacement of space. In this closed-circuit installation, visitor´s images are manipulated and projected as artificial shadows.
What does it mean if one’s shadow suddenly frees itself and develops an alien autonomy? And what has such an estrangement in common with the multiple identities of the post modern ego?
construction & function
If a person is moving inside the installation s/he is detected by an infraredcamera. This image is processed and manipulated by a softwareprogram written in openframeworks (C++ based framework) with opencv implementation. The manipulated image is projected as an faked artificial shadow by a videoprojector. If the person moves along, the personal silhouette is projected as an artificial shadow in realtime, but if it stops, the shadow is morphing into an alien one.
diploma thesis (german)
Murano, Francesco (2014): Light works. Experimental projection mapping, Aracne
Hyperaktive Prototypen, Ausstellungskatalog Essence 2010
The Project was realized with the friendly support of Wien Kultur MA7 and the University of Applied Arts Vienna.